Convert an list object to csv file.
- list
list with data as peaks list, mz, rt and group information
- name
result name for csv and/or eic file, default NULL
- mzdigit
m/z digits of row names of data frame, default 4
- rtdigit
retention time digits of row names of data frame, default 1
- type
csv format for further analysis, m means Metaboanalyst, a means xMSannotator, p means Mummichog(NA values are imputed by `getimputation`, and F test is used here to generate stats and p value), o means full information csv (for `pmd` package), default o. mapo could output all those format files.
- target
logical, preserve original rowname of data or not for target data, default FALSE.
- ...
other parameters for `write.table`
Li, S.; Park, Y.; Duraisingham, S.; Strobel, F. H.; Khan, N.; Soltow, Q. A.; Jones, D. P.; Pulendran, B. PLOS Computational Biology 2013, 9 (7), e1003123. Xia, J., Sinelnikov, I.V., Han, B., Wishart, D.S., 2015. MetaboAnalyst 3.0—making metabolomics more meaningful. Nucl. Acids Res. 43, W251–W257.
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
} # }