Surrogate variable analysis(SVA) to correct the unknown batch effects
svacor(xset, lv = NULL, method = "medret", intensity = "into")
xcmsset object
group information
parameter for groupval function
parameter for groupval function
list object with various components such raw data, corrected data, signal part, random errors part, batch part, p-values, q-values, mass, rt, Posterior Probabilities of Surrogate variables and Posterior Probabilities of Mod. If no surrogate variable found, corresponding part would miss.
this is used for reviesed version of SVA to correct the unknown batch effects
if (FALSE) {
cdfpath <- system.file("cdf", package = "faahKO")
cdffiles <- list.files(cdfpath, recursive = TRUE, full.names = TRUE)
xset <- xcmsSet(cdffiles)
xset <- group(xset)
xset2 <- retcor(xset, family = "symmetric", plottype = "mdevden")
xset2 <- group(xset2, bw = 10)
xset3 <- fillPeaks(xset2)
df <- svacor(xset3)