Filter ions/peaks based on retention time hierarchical clustering, paired mass distances(PMD) and PMD frequency analysis.
rtcutoff = 10,
ng = NULL,
digits = 2,
accuracy = 4,
mdrange = NULL
a list with mzrt profile
cutoff of the distances in retention time hierarchical clustering analysis, default 10
cutoff of global PMD's retention time group numbers, If ng = NULL, 20 percent of RT cluster will be used as ng, default NULL.
mass or mass to charge ratio accuracy for pmd, default 2
measured mass or mass to charge ratio in digits, default 4
mass defect range to ignore. Default NULL and c(0.25,0.9) to retain the possible reaction related paired mass
list with tentative isotope, multi-chargers, adducts, and neutral loss peaks' index, retention time clusters.
pmd <- getpaired(spmeinvivo)
#> 75 retention time cluster found.
#> 369 paired masses found
#> 5 unique within RT clusters high frequency PMD(s) used for further investigation.
#> The unique within RT clusters high frequency PMD(s) is(are) 28.03 21.98 44.03 17.03 18.01.
#> 719 isotopologue(s) related paired mass found.
#> 492 multi-charger(s) related paired mass found.